Dare to be different

Be different

There are many people in the world. We tend to follow the crowd and do activities to fit in. While teachers, family and friends often tell us to reach for certain milestones we should follow our heart. One of those goals that are less frequent is

Doing things differently makes sure that not everyone follows the same path. It would be boring if everyone had to do the same thing. Almost everyone goes for a stable job, it brings in the money and it allows you to feel safe. However like we have seen a pandemic can change everything around. What we thought was protecting us could become a hindrance very fast. Having a job at a small company had his advantages. But with the pandemic those were the first to not have enough money left for keeping their employees. This could have been solved by doing a certain job and having a side hustle going on.

I think being different, going againt the grain of society is the greatest thing in the world. – Elijah Wood

Having a side hustle is taking a lot of your time, it is even hindering you to enjoy life to the fullest, it prevents you to constantly be with friends and family. But by having this moneyon the side you can guard the security of your family in difficult times. While others are having troubles now your previous works has enabled you to develop your side hustle to become your fulltime job.

Another example everyone goes for buying themselves a home as fast as possible. But is this the best way to take? Having a house could be a financially good decision, but depending on the home and how much you pay for it, this could block your future. Purchasing a cheap home seems reasonable, but it also means you will have to spend a lot more for the upkeep and for restoring the damage.

Taking a seperate path may look more challenging at the start, but you never know what a great result it will bring. Many years ago going to university was the best option in all situations. These days you have to look at the cost and the potential rewards. Find your way, if this is different from everyone else don’t worry about it and keep working hard at it.