Dare to take special decisions that not everyone may understand

Which path will you take?

Is your life based of finding the path of least resistance? Or are you willing to take decision that are the best for you instead of looking for the best decision for the people you know?

Life isn’t for the selfish, but neither is it for the people that solely think about the people around them. Taking decisions are difficult but sometimes we have to take a decision where you are happy with it but others may not be completely on board with you. As long as it doesn’t hurt the other person they should be able to get over it. For example if you decide you want to start a business of your own you may have to reduce the hours you work in your current job. It may cause you to ask your boss if you could start working part-time. You may think they aren’t open for it, but if you don’t ask you will never know.

To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don’t isolate. – Michael Jordan

Being selfish is often conceived as being a bad characteristic. If you are being selfish for the wrong reasons it’s bad. Never wanting to help people always, constantly looking for gains to be made for yourself at the detriment of others shouldn’t be done. However looking out for yourself so that you aren’t constantly feeling negative influences in your life is great. Don’t count yourself out all the time and only look at the benefit of others. In order to be able to achieve what you set for yourself you sometimes have to pay attention what you have to do and prioritize yourself. If someone invites you to go somewhere last minute think if you can actually do it. If you have set yourself a goal for the day and haven’t completed it yet see if you complete is before leaving. If not you may have to decline the offer.

When you have set a certain goal for yourself in a specific period of time and haven’t completed it yet consider all your options. If you have to you might have to reduce the time you spend on other acitivities. Even if this means that others can spend less time with you. To achieve the success you want you have to sacrifice some enjoyment here and there. You will show that you stand behind your principles and how important the things are that you prioritize. That being said if you organise your life well you don’t have to decline much invitations of enjoyment. As long as you aren’t going to go all out everytime for more than 5 hours you will find the time to do what is necessary.