Defend your friends

Friend protection
Protect your friends

Friends and family are the people closest to you. They are there for you in the good and bad times. When your friends need help, provide it to them and support them. One of the moments they need you without telling you is when someone talks about hem badly. They are the ones you spend your time with and enjoy those great evenings with.

It happens from time to time that people around you talk about your friends putting them down. Only when you put yourself out there protecting their name you can call yourself a true friend. It is at the times that they are not around that you can defend their name the best.

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. 

t-Taking it up for your friends will not only improve their name, but also shows that you have the confidence to step up for people in need. You show them you have a lot of confidence to do the right thing in a difficult time. If you don’t have the confidence to do everything, you may just find the courage to take your stand towards the bad words against your friend.

The second way to protect your friends is by giving them advice not to make mistakes. For example when you guys are still young and your friend lives at their parents home and want to buy a new 25k car. Make sure to try and protect them from taking impulse decisions. They may have the money to add a car loan to their pay check. But what happens if they want to move out in a year or two? The current car loan will haunt them for the coming years and they may regret it.

At first your friend may not want your advice to not go for the shiny new car. But protecting your friends also means to stick your neck out in telling them the things others wont. They will end up being very gratefull for the support you gave them and will return the favor in due time. That is what friends are for, to support in good and hard times.