Delaying gratification with money

Look forward to the path ahead

How great would it be if you buy everything that you desire? That would be great, however it can make your future more difficult and stressfull depending on the future circumstances.

One example of an expensive decision is buying a nice car at the age of 22 when you are living with your parent. It may seem a small, unimportant decision, but when you start looking for your own place it becomes clear that you need every bit of money you can get. Including the money you have unfortunately been using for other purchases. If you skip out on buying that nice looking car now and buy a car that is reliable you will be able to buy more of a house when it comes down to it. You can either choose for the depreciating car or go for the appreciating appartement/house.

We live in a world of instant gratification, the world of the quick fix. – Rachael Taylor

Because of the social media we frequently get a boost in dopamine. These rushes come back to back and they learn us to constantly get new fun things to enjoy. Which in turn learns us to be buying a tasty cheatmeal, a drink, a different car, the newest phone. It would work great for us to be less focused on all these distractions so we have more time for the things that really matter. Personally I don’t use social media, this helps me to free up some time for writing articles.

After getting rid of the need of instant gratification or instant dopamine, it opens up a lot of time and money, that both can be used for much more interesting things in the long run. When you delay your gratification you can easily free up an extra time and money. Now you can focus on improving yourself, which will increasee your productivity at work and increase your salary. At the same time you will be spending less, both of these together can help you save 10 – 20% more. With this money you can set up an automated saving or even an automated investing strategy to create more freedom in the future.

No matter how you turn it around delayed gratification always creates great possibilities for your future growth.