Despite bad circumstances never give up

Your goal may seem harsh but don’t give up on it

We are all trying to recover and do our best to avoid negative consequences. Your current situation may look impossible to get through. But the important thing is to know that you can’t change some circumstances, you can change how you look at it.

Looking at the image you can see a way of getting to the top of the building. It is the only option that you can actually see, but why wouldn’t you go inside and check if there is an alternative way of getting to the same destination? We want to create a safe home for our family to return to despite the circumstances have negatively impacted most of us. You don’t have to solely focus on your salary as your monthly income. There are always alternatives that you can look out for. Starting a business in your free time, working a second job, trying to build a passive income really slowly.

God lends a helping hand to the man who tries hard. – Aeschylus

Attempting to build a second income stream is difficult and you will have to give up a lot of luxuries for it. But as long as you don’t give up on your end goal and you keep working on it, it will get better. Things will become easier, you will receive a helping hand or the customers will come in at the most random moment to improve your business. When you work hard on it don’t expect anyone to come and help you out. Keep on crushing your goals and some day you will get the big break through that you were hoping for.

If you have the mental power attempt to set your family members free of the intense grind. It is not because you are working hard towards your goal that your family has to suffer with you. Are you working a second job to bring in some extra income? As long as your partner isn’t working against you, eg. using up the extra money. There will be no need for them to take a second job as well. Keep in mind all the extra work that you are putting in now has as purpose to cut some slack for your family and so that no longer have to do things. Instead you will be able to want to do things instead of being forced to do it. Once you are capable to survive with one job continue the second job to have some extra room. After some time you can take a step back and be satisfied with your fulltime job.