Determine your addiction

Find your addiction

Becoming healthy is  great to improve our life. We often look at tips to directly improve our lifes. An underestimed method to do this is by looking at our weaknesses. If we look at our unhealthy habits, we find a way to improve our health.  One of the unhealthy habits that we should try to eliminate is being dependant on substances. Feeling the need of using a substance or acting on an addiction should be avoided.

To adjust our lifes we have to figure out if we have an addiction. This can be done by taking an honest look at ourselves and our lifes. The people that are the closest have a good idea of the areas you struggle with.

It is hard to understand addiction unless you have experienced it. Ken Hensley

Any form of addiction influences your life. It can go from alcohol to computer addiction. Not every addiction is as serious as others. However any addiction takes away time.

Finding your addiction is difficult, but it is necessary for recovery. If you are dependant to a certain habit you have a higher risk to get addicted. This is when you should take further steps. When you realise that you have a addiction it is time to do something about. Taking the time to think about and knowing that you want to change is your first step.