Do the actions that you know you have to instead of the ones you want to

Do the necessary actions to achieve challenging goals

Achieving goals are possible if you do what is necessary. Instead of focussing so much on looking “busy”, rather do the actions that you know are needed.

An example on performing actions is what you are doing in your weekends. You have been spending plenty of time studying or working during the week. So just like everyone else you deserve to rest up so you can get back to work monday. Instead of resting for the entire weekend you should consider what actions you can take in the weekend to make your life better in the future. If you are sick of your fulltime job you need to do something in the weekend that you can scale up in the future to introduce a change into your life. Despite the new actions you should take don’t forget to guarantee your recovery from the work week.

The most important actions are never comfortable. – Tim Feriss

If the important actions to take to improve your life would be easy, everyone would be taking part in it. The amount of people that dislike or even hate their job but don’t do anything about it is very high. If you want to wait to take action untill taking the steps become comfortable you will never do what is necessary. Important actions can me made slightly less uncomfortable to make it easier to follow. This can be done by creating a habit for yourself to constantly “force” yourself to take the action. Us humans are creature of habits. So if you need to change something implement a habit.

One of the important actions to turn into a habit is living healthy. You can create the habit to cook every weekend the meals for the following week. So that if your week is too busy at least you avoid having to cook during the week and you avoid going out for quicker, but unhealthy, food. The second habit to create is to have plenty of movement. You could go for a walk every morning before you leave for work, take a walk during your break or after you come home. Especially with some of the working from home that remained it’s easy to implement healthy habits.