Don’t force yourself to go against your feeling

Follow your own path

When we grow up there are plenty directions we can go towards. Not one path fits us all, while some may be destined to achieve something no one else has ever done others of us just want to be avarage and there is no problem with that.

If everyone would be the same there would be no difference in humanity and not all the necessary occupations would be fulfilled. While some directions would often be preferred by our friends and family it’s not always the best way to go for ourselves. For example the people you surround you with may notice that you are great in math that you would be able to create new theories and solve older ones. Despite that you would do well in this area you would much rather prefer to become a teacher and teach the next generation instead of solving existing issues that never have been solved. You would be having a lot more pleasure and success if you focus on the thing you really enjoy. In the example above you may teach a new math genius instead of becoming famous for it yourself. There is a role for everyone in the society despite it may not look like that.

If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress. – Barack Obama

No matter what path you chose as long as you are willing to go as far as is needed you will make great progress. If instead of not focussing on your path you follow a path of someone else you will never achieve what you could if you pick your own path. True motivation will only occur when you are doing something you love no matter the sacrifices you make for them. For example me writing this blog doesn’t bring any short term benefits for me. However I enjoy writing on it and some people will benefit from it no matter what the result is for them. Maybe it just motivates one of you to start their own blog or start with a different passion that you otherwise never started. Let this be your wake-up call to do anything you want.

Finding your passion that you want to spend all your time is not so easy. It’s not just trying something out and you stick with it for as long as needed. No, unless it happens to be the first thing you try, it will take a tremendous amount of time and attempts before you find what your passion is. There are an unlimited amount of passions that you can spend your time on. The best example is how the internet has created so many new passions so that everyone can find something that they fall in love with. Due to the internet anything that normally might require you a huge amount of money to start can be now created by just using the things you already had or spending a small amount of money. For example writing a book used to be very difficult especially selling the book. However now with the internet you have opportunities to sell books everywhere. Allthough it might not be easy to actually sell books you’ll atleast have the opportunity to offer them to people.