Don’t forget to sit in the sun

Do you enjoy the sun?

Summer is the season of the sun, going to the beach, being outside, enjoying all the sun that we can get. But what happens when winter is around the corner? Do you still get some sun or are you sitting inside and enjoying your time a different way?

It’s normal if we speak about the sun that summer comes to mind. It’s clear that it’s the season to get plenty of sun and to enjoy while getting some sun. However if you look for the sun it’s also possible to get some in the other seasons. It often wont be a full day of sun but that isn’t necessary either. Just grabbing a 10-15 min out of your day to go outside in the sun is enough for our body to replenish. We might not think about it frequently enough but our body actually needs to have some sun almost daily in order to feel right. Even the tiniest bit of sun will help you get through the winter months and will keep you feeling healthy and powerfull.

Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away. – Elvis Presley

Luckily we can’t really ban the sun out of our life, just reducing it. Everyone without allergic reactions to the sun could and should make some time for the sun. However especially when summer is over we tend to sit inside and not try to look for a bit of sun to be outside. The sun is our main method for our body to produce vitamine D. Our body needs it to fuction well and to have immunity against becoming sick. Outside the summer most of us don’t have enough vitamine D and probably have to take in pills for vitamine D. Why not look for the bit sun that is out there and enjoy it when we can? Going for a walk while being dressed warm enough will still get us the much needed sun in the winter or any season but summer for that matter.

The benefits from being in the sun like improved immune system and helps you to reduce the risk of getting sick. Winter is the moment that everyone stays inside and that sickness is being spread around much more. The winter is a though time for many people. That is when people get the “winter blues”, less sun means less protection against depression less of a boost for our mental health. In summer we spend a lot of time outside relaxing and enjoying ourselves sitting outside. Therefore in winter you should have enough time to seek out the sunniest moment to still go outside. If you aren’t bothered with looking for the best time just use 20 minutes of your day every day to go out and take a walk for a bit.