Don’t give up

never give up
Don’t stop

How often do you set a goal for yourself that ends up being unrealistic? Hopefully it happens frequently, because this allow you to take advantage of the principle of never giving up. No matter what is in your way it’s in your control to continue your path to achieve everything you ever wanted.

How unrealistic the goal is can be determined on the time you allow yourself to achieve it. If you want to become a master in anything and only give yourself 1 month, then it will be extremely difficult. However if you are learning to play the guitar and play 15 minutes every day for 5 years your skill will have improved immensely. We limit ourselves too much. If you want something so much and work towards it every single day you will achieve it.

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. – Thomas A. Edison

The problem doesn’t lay in the fact that the goals you set are unachievable. The issue comes with not believing in yourself that even if you have an extreme goals in front of you that you can strive to complete it. If it happens that you don’t achieve the goal in itself at least you have given everything what you have. At the same time you can receive the benefits of closing in on the goal.

Let’s take a look at a difficult goal, which for some people may seem impossible. My personal target is to become fluent in four languages besides my mother language. Surely achieving a fluency level in 2 of them will be achievable, the other ones will take more time and effort but are also possible. What happens if fluency isn’t achieved? You have learned new languages not getting them to the level you focussed on. However you are still able to understand more people and slowly get to speak their language, in whatever stage you are at. Writing articles in one of the languages really help!

Set your goals, and standards, high. Work hard, you will get better at it and obtain the achievements that you wanted. Good luck!