What 2022 has learned us is that we could get hit by a crisis at any point. At first we think that the crisis will negatively impact us and that we can’t get anything good in return. This doesn’t have to be correct.
When you are undergoing a crisis that either everyone or solely a couple of people are having it’s your opportunity to make something from it. The pandemic just like any other health crises teaches us how important our health is and the health of families and friends. While the crisis may seem something negative it only becomes great or bad depending how you look at it and what you are making from it. If because of something bad you are turning it into something positive you can get the benefits. It may cause you to be motivated to become better or it can help you grab the moment.
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. – Rahm Emanuel
We may all struggle during a crisis, however if you allow yourself to look for an opportunity we can get better from it. An example is how the pandemic could decrease the value of stocks creating a possibility to buy stocks cheaply. The pandemic could also be the reason why you are losing your job. Getting off work and no longer have your wage coming in each month turns your life around. You will no longer have the security you always had. While everyone says you should work for an employer because it gives you security they leave out the part that despite your great performance you could still get fired due to a crisis.
No one knows how the next crisis will look like and what the consequences will be. To know how a crisis could turn positive can only be acknowledged looking at the past. The only thing you can do is to not see only the negative from anything happening to you. Look for the ways you can have something positive come from it. If you only see the negative you will attractive the negative and you will not attempt to look for benefits. Granted a crisis always has some negative consequences, but it doesn’t has to be all bad. Keep your horizon open for anything positive and you will find a way to get some benefit.