Don’t let your goals be set by others

Achieve your goals

To become the best version of ourselves we need to look at the things that are the most important to us. It is only when we are able to put the unimportant things to the side that we can focus on our goals.

While we are young there are a lot of people who force us to achieve the goals they want. Achieve high grades, completing their expectations both in grades and in goals in general. However it is important to keep in mind that it is your own goals that are crucial in life. You determine the activities you want to complete.

If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it’s moving you away from your goals. – Brian Tracy

While you focus on goals others set for you, nothing will be gained towards your own goals.When you are not going towards it you are stepping away from it. For example when your goal is to become healthy but you don’t look at what you eat or how much you move you are moving away further from your goal.

Only pay attention to the goals you set yourself, you will be more motivated and when finally achieving it you will receive the confidence boost that goes hand in hand with completing the tasks you set for yourself. Set your goals high, aslong as you work on them you will manage to complete it in due time.