Don’t live in the past

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Don’t be focussed on your past

We all carry the burden of our past. But how much you carry it with you totally depends on yourself. How you managed your life in the past can influence your future, but it doesn’t have to. If you had a positive, happy life you can continue this and improve your life further. However if you had hardships and a difficult time you can use it as a difficult starting point to change your future.

Everyone has something they are not proud of, that they want to forget. Try not to be too hard on yourself for it, but neither forget your past. Acknowledge what happened and become stronger, better because of it. Don’t let your past define who you will be from now on.

We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future. – George Bernard Shaw

Do you have something that you did before that you are not proud of? Don’t beat yourself up about it. We have to pay attention to what we did before but it doesn’t makes us who we are. Depending on our past we can change how we react and what we do in our future.

When you are reading this don’t be overwhelmed. Actually reading about it allows you to think about what you want to become in life. The route to becoming awesome isn’t a sprint but a marathon. Implement the smallest changes in your routine, so that you become better piece by piece.

You have no further control to what happened in the past. But you can look forward and determine your future.