Don’t resist change, rather adapt to it

What does change look like for you?

Change happens without us having much choice in it. However when change happens we can attempt to resist it or adapt to the new situation.

As a baby we are being introduced to a new world, where everything we experience is something new. Every hour of a day could mean a change we have to adjust to. Growing up we are protected by our parents avoiding much of the changes we would normally be forced to adjust to. Being protected for many years will leave us disliking changes and try to avoid them. While changes may bring some negative effects there are also some benefits coming from it. Switching things up means that you can’t act the same as you did before. An example: at work your team is experts in one part of the production process in the company. All of a sudden the boss decides that everyone should know how to do everything and now you need to learn a lot of new activities. Yes, it’s going to be difficult at first, yet you are learning new skills and you will keep these skills for later in life.

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. – Winston Churchill

We sometimes feel entitled to remaining in the same situation for a long time. Staying the same is not a benefit rather a hindrance to possible growth. Getting better requires you to challenge yourself and try new things. An example is if you want to become healthy, you can chose which food you like and what movement you prefer. However if you are always picking one out of 3 meal options or you have been doing the same movements for a couple of months you might want to look for something else. There are some steps that everyone can take to slowly improve. But no one will continue to improve if you are solely doing the same thing all the time.

When your parents grew up there were certain expectations that everyone had and it was possible to life up to them because everything was booming, if you worked hard enough you could succed. Nowadays the world has changed, the expectations that were possible to meet years ago might not be so possible now. The world has changed so now you could possibly achieve your goals (even more difficult ones) but not in the same manner than was plausible years ago. For example before it would have been possible to build financial safety for your family by working hard for one boss your entire life. Now the workfield has changed so much that you have to constantly strive for improving your current skills and to learn new ones. This could mean that you either start investing with a part of your income or you start spending some time to create a business of your own.