Don’t settle for what is easy

How do you live your life?

You can take life in different ways, you can either take life as it goes or you can challenge yourself and not only take the easy route. How does your life look and are you considering to take a harder route?

When you go through life simply you will only get the things that are easy to obtain. What is easy is dependant on your personality and everything going around you. For example for some people improving your health is difficilt solely because of their environment if the healthy food is extremely expensive where you live and the rent to live somewhere is almost as much as your monthly income there is not much you can do. If the high paying jobs in your country require to have a diplome that is very hard to obtain, to know the right people or require a lot of starting capital it might not be possible. When your environment prevents you completely to improve there is nothing you can do. But if your environment only makes it harder to get there it’s still possible to go for it. Often times you can even take your free time to work on the harder things while working during the day as everyone else.

All things are difficult before they are easy. – Thomas Fuller

Taking the decision to do something difficult requires courage, but once you are on the route you just continue your path. At some point the difficult will become your new norm and will become easy. For many people the environment isn’t the real problem, yes it may discourage you to go for something hard. But if you compare your own situation to some very distant poor countries you can see how easy our “hard path” actually is. Spend your time to improve and don’t shy away from participating in the hard choices of life. Your friends, family and the people you meet might not agree with your choices at the start. But after seeing what you achieve going for them will prove that you were right going for them. Don’t let the decisions from others dictate what you will do.

Trust yourself, trust your gut instinct and go for goals that you set for yourself. hile the goals may seem difficult you know if you want to put your time and effort into it. If you decide you want to build your own home instead of saving to buy one than go for it. You might not receive the support you want but if you are so motivated to see it through you will find a way. Obviously going for building a home where you have no prior experience and you are mainly performing mental labor it might not be feasible to build your home without support. If you still want to continue on the path preparation is key. Research information and join in the construction of others houses. Look how they do it, learn and perfect your skills on their construction site. So that one day you can strive to build your own house. Nothing is impossible if you take your time, put effort in and stay motivated.