Earn respect from the people around you

Do others respect you?

In the world there are many people who all have other things going on for them. From when we grow up we want the people we surround ourselves with to respect us.

Respect from others is something we don’t need to focus on to improve in life. Only when we did something that made us lose respect from others or been too lazy during the last years we are lacking all respect from others and we will receive barely any room to move. For example if you haven’t been paying attention to your family, you never give them your time, never enjoy them when they are around and never give them the respect they deserve they will lose interest in you. Obviously you will not lose the respect solely for doing one of them for a short amount of time. The more problems you cause the less respect you will have remaining.

When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you. – Lao Tzu

To improve the respect that others for you there isn’t much that you have to do. Make sure to never disrespect anyone, don’t forget what is important for others, build and improve what is important for you. If it’s important for you to spend much time with family do this, if you are building your business spend some time on this. As long as you aren’t losing sight of the people you love you are able to focus on the goals that are important for you. Despite you may not spend the biggest amount on your friends and family spending some time with thim should be enough to maintain the gained respect. They will see what is important for you and they will appreciate that you are working towards your goals.

When you receive respect from others it means that you are getting the room to breath. They understand that you are different but that you are you and you deserve plenty of space to do what you want. Accept the room you receive to breath and take it perform the activities to grow and work towards your goals. For example you studied well and everyone around you appreciates the fact that you worked hard to reach the end. Now you are searching for a job, they know when you set a goal for yourself that you do everything in your power to accomplish it. This may mean that you are looking for a certain job but accepting a different job to have money coming in untill you find the perfect job. If money isn’t directly an issue you may even continue to search for the right job to start your carreer instead of taking any job out there. As long as you aren’t solely taking the time to “do nothing” they will appreciate that you are looking for the right opportunity instead of waiting for it.