Eat plenty of fruits for your health

Do you like fruits?

As child we are told to eat our vegetables and our fruit. Initially at a young age we are not always inclined to follow what our parents and our teachers tell us to do. Later on in life it’s sometimes not eating the healthy foods that have become a bad habit. There is nothing wrong with the taste of the fruit, it’s just easier to not spending time eating it.

If you check the plenty of great benefits of fruit you will quickly realise that you have to remind yourself to eat a couple pieces of fruit a day. If currently you aren’t eating a piece a day start with adding this as a habit. If the lack of thinking about it is the reason you are not eating fruit just place a piece of fruit on table so you can eat it in the morning. Starting your day of with fruit is the best moment of the day to eat fruit. They have plenty of natural sugars. Eating it in the morning means that you can use this natural sources of sugar to start off your day strong.

Apples, grapes… any kind of fruit gives me the energy I need to get through my busy day. – Kristin Chenoweth

Instead of drinking that coffee in the morning switch it with a piece of fruit. With eating the fruit in the morning you will have a nice amount of energy that you can use during the day. When you implement eating a piece of fruit together with a healthy diet your body will be regulating your energy levels throughout the day much better. Experiment with different types of fruit, the more change you have the greater the benefit will be. Every piece of fruit has a different vitamin that is needed for our daily needs.

Another explanation to not eat fruit is to not have time to spend on it. If this is the reason wake up 5 minutes earlier and start your day correct. Want to eat it after school or after work but are always in a hurry? Stop working 30 minutes extra each day, reduce it to 25 minutes so you can add in a piece of fruit after arrving at home. Or even easier, take the piece of fruit to work or school. You have plenty of downtime to consume at least one piece of fruit in your day. The additional benefit is that yes it takes a bit of time but your health will improve. The better your health becomes the more time you will save by not having to go through being sick.