Effort determines outcome

Are you achieving your goals? 

Succeeding to create a business from the ground up is difficult. With enough work being done we feel that we are entitled to a success story. Nothing is more wrong.

You can perform a certain task and think that other have to reward you for what you have done. For example: Because you have obtained your degree you deserve a great job. This isn’t true, if you have studied hard on obtaining a certain degree you have a (small) edge to get a job in that area. Anyone without the degree could perform much better than you and they will rapidly surpass you. So stop feeling entitled and don’t forget to perform as required. Thinking you are entitled will keep you waiting for it to happen, so you will miss the boat of development. You would no longer work for it and end up at the end of the line.

All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work. – Calvin Coolidge

While effort doesn’t guarantee success, continious effort does guarantee the highest chance of success. If work on yourself isn’t being appreciated at your current job it will still improve yourself and the positive effects will clearly show in your future. For example learning a new system at your work that they don’t work often with may not be essential now. However at your next job it may be the only system that they work with. Your current employer may not find it necessary for you to learn how to write correctly in your mother language. When starting to write eBooks to make same extra income your language knowledge will help you move forward.

To realise how important effort is look at your favourite athlete. Practising and working out for many hours doesn’t entitle them for becoming the best athlete. However if you ask any top athlete how they reached their spot they say it’s because of all their efforts and sacrifices. They are required for success, but aren’t the only prerequisite for it. A lot of things have to align before you can reach your dreams and desires. The person that is able to keep on pushing despite the lack of success is the one who may end up at the highest spot. Afterwards it’s easy to say that it was the effort that got them there, but it has cost them a lot of stubbornness.