That we should help friends and family in difficult situations is understandable for most people. Actually performing the help is something different, but is still possible. But what about people that you have just met?
Think about the elderly taking public transportation. Being that young 21 year old college student do you actually need that seat in front of the bus? Some people have problems walking distances, offering your spot on the bus is a small thing to make their trip and entire day a little bit better. The added benefit you get is that you actually feel great about offering it, no matter if they end up taking you up on your offer or they thank you and continue.
We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone. – Ronald Reagan
Helping someone doesn’t have to be an extremely different task that you doubt you will be able to finish. A simple example is holding the door open for someone. When you go to a bakery and see that someone has multiple breads and or pastry take a second and open the door for them to leave.
Helping strangers does not only make their day, improve your feelings but it also improves the society you live in. Imagine everyone helping others with kindness without expecting something back for it. It would make our world a better place, it would give us a warm feeling and security for sending our children off into the world.
Next time you see someone forgetting their phone at a restaurant, dropping their wallet step in and help them. When you see someone desperately in the need of a talk give them your time and make them feel worthful.