Enjoy the journey rather than staring yourself blind at the goal

What does your journey look like?

Attempting to achieve a certain goal means that you are on a journey going towards it. Are you focussing completely on the goal or are you also trying to enjoy the journey up to it?

If you are working towards becoming healthy it’s a very big goal that can’t be overstated. Only focussing yourself on always eating healthy, always working out will get you towards this goal, but how will you achieve it if you aren’t enjoying the journey? Doing everything textbook style without a exception without a cheat meal without a day of skipping the gym? This is almost not possible for anyone but if you can do it and enjoy then kudos to you. However if you are losing yourself in the process there is no point to keep yourself to such a strict diet. If you are enjoying the journey, with a couple of speed bumps, you are more likely to keep pushing and are allowing yourself to have better performance.

Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination. – Drake

The destination is interesting to arrive at but how the path towards it looks makes the difference. What is the point if you become healthy while losing your friends and family in the progress? To become healthy if it makes you unhappy. Don’t focus solely on the end but pay attention to the path and how you can enjoy it. A different example is trying to get your finances right to support your family. There are different ways to achieve this but who would want to make there living selling illegal products that harm others or participating in illegal activities. Instead of doing that you can look for a second job to spend some extra time on, or to spend some extra hours at your dayjob for some extra pay. The journey doesn’t only have to be fun but you have to feel good with it as well, earning money the normal way instead of illegal activities are much more enjoyable.

A last example is to try and become mentally healthy. There are a lot of things you can do to improve your mental health, but it shouldn’t feel as a punishment. Yes, you can go in therapy to get over a problem you had in the past. However there are also plenty of components you can add that make you enjoy the path towards a better mental health. Sitting 20 minutes in the sun will get you a long way. Relaxing yourself to get rid of your stress helps a lot, this can also be done by being in the sun or to implement different methods of enjoyment. You could search for a hobby to enjoy our find someone you enjoy to be with and that you can speak about anything that you are focussed on. Reaching for your goal is not the most important, rather going towards your goal and enjoying the route will be beneficial for you.