Enjoy the power of change

Do you prefer or hate change?

Change is something that some prefer and others hate it. It’s important to wonder about the benefits of change and see if you can get the benefits.

Sometimes change does feel strange and could end badly. For example you might get fired from your job for some reason maybe you weren’t performing well or the finances of the company weren’t as solid as you thought they were. While this is bad news it could still end up being a blessing for you. Instead of constantly remaining at your job you are going to look for a new job and maybe you are going to experiment with new opportunities. This could lead you to trying out something new that ends up being the job that you really like. Change is often looked at being negative, while change gives you new possibilities and it can lead you into a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

There is nothing permanent except change. – Heraclitus

Any change that stands in front of you could have good or bad consequences, it depends how you look at them. For example being fired as the example above explains can have benefits. Yet you could also not look for a new job during 2 years. This is negatively impacting your life, but it’s not the change that caused the negative influence, rather your decision following the change. Anything can have a negative impact as long as you don’t try to turn the tide. This doesn’t mean that change will automatically help you, rather than just wait for the positive effects adjust the situation so that you are gaining the benefits of the change.

Life is constantly moving and change can be arriving in any form at any moment. If you dislike change in general without even considering the pros and cons you are not doing yourself a favour. Be open-minded to change and give it some time to develop itself. While you may think at first that the change only negatively impacts your life it could change your life for the better. If you are not even considering how the change can be beneficial you possibly harming the opportunities it could bring. For example maybe the company you are working for has been bought by a bigger company. This could result in you losing your job in the future. However it could also mean more job security due to a stronger financial balance. It could even bring opportunities to become more important for your company.