Enjoy your skill

What is your prefered skill?

Skills comes in many forms and colors. There is no line to be drawn, any new activity can be turned into a skill that you can benefit from. Think about the time where the where no websites, or when creating your own videos just came out, and so on.

New possibilities wait around the corner to be discovered and to be enjoyed. You could be improving on a skill today that becomes usefull in a couple of years. Experience and skill are always needed in due time. Learning something to strive for success without enjoying it can give you short time pleasure, but it will not last. For example playing music to attempt to make a living from it seems totally cool. Untill you are in the trenches and have to struggle every day for only a possibility to do it full time. It becomes even worse if you are doing it after your working hours. While others go rest in front a movie you are still working on your dream.

When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece. –  John Ruskin

Attempting to learn something new is always possible. Without enjoyment you can still succeed achieving your goal. As example take choosing a job to obtain experience on the work field. You may enter a company where you would like to stay but in a different job. A specific example is working for a bank as mortgage or insurance advisor, while your love is into investing. All the spots for investment advisor might be filled, but you can learn the company and improve your knowledge on mortgages and insurances. You will be building experience into the banking sector without real love of it. However you will admire that investing is also a very small percentage of your incoming phone calls.

In the abovementioned example you can learn on the job while widening your knowledge in your personal life about investing. Soon you will have a lot of important skills for your company and the love for investing will improve your future job and your place in the company. You will have build a really nice amount of skills and can proceed towards the life you desire. Everyone will recognise your drive and appreciate the love you have for it. Create your own path and you will end up doing what you love all the time.