Every action has a reaction

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Everything creates a response

Every action that you take causes something to happen, either on the short or the long term. When you realise that taking small smart decision can improve your life you will start making better decisions.

Take for example going to study at university. Instead of directly going to work it may be a better idea to go and study something usefull. This will improve the possibilities you receive later on in your carreer. Eventhough this might sound like a good idea always consider how much it costs and how much it can help you. Going into a high debt for allowing yourself to go to university might cost you more than it will deliver you. Some studies aren’t improving your chances on the job market, so be carefull what you are going to do. Make sure you are atleast interested in the main subject you are learning. If you hate what you are doing it isn’t going to help you.

You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life. – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

What is the goal you want to strive for this year? Find out what you have to do for it and what activites are detrimental towards your progress. Anything not working on your goal can set you back. For example let’s use a controversial example. If you are planning to become healthy you might be going for a jog for 3 days a week. What if one of those days you choose to study instead of going to jog? Studying is important but it does take away from your health routine. You become healthier and more productive if you take just a 15 min break for a short jog.

When one of your goals is important to you create the need to constantly be improving on it. Doing this will avoid giving up on your goal. It will also make it easier to focus on it in different aspects of your life. The way to showcase this is by looking at something  like learning a new language. When you are building a passion for it you can go for it with different methods at a time. Learning on duolingo, listen to the radio in the target language, watching movies, talking to people and so on. When you like doing it you can focus on it in so many parts of your life. Every action you take into the desired direction helps you get there faster while at the same time enjoying it more.