Everyone undergoes failures in life

Anyone fails at some point

Aspiring to become successful is great and should be everyone’s goal. In order to manage to obtain success it is important to realise where you come from and to allow yourself some failures on the way.

Starting with something new means to completely start out new. Remember the last time you learned something new? For example look at driving a car for the first time. Starting out you might have gotten lucky to start the first time, but did it always be so smooth? It takes time to improve and on the way there will always be moments of failure. Compare this to your current driving and you see how much has changed. Only because you allowed yourself to look as a beginner you managed to push through and become better.

Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. -Truman Capote

Looking how you went through all the failures in life ensures that you know it has been worth it. This being said look at the things you have tried before and stopped because it felt too hard. Consider your successes and you can expand on the journeys to undertake. For example have you made a New Year’s resolution to become healthier, but happened to have dumped it after some time? Renew your motivation and accept failures on the road to avoid giving up.

The failures bring you towards success. If you don’t do anything you wont do anything wrong. An added benefit from failures is that the more bumps you have on your road the better you will acclimatize to manage getting over them. This is especially true if you do it in multiple areas of your life constantly trying out new things and learning from them. For example a mistake you make as a volunteer will not happen during your job anymore. A mistake you make during your free time learning an instrument will not happen during your studies at school.

You can do practise runs by learning new things. The better you become at different tasks the easier it will become to add a new skill to your toolbox.