Experiment in unknown territory

Are you keen to experiment?

Life has it’s ways to challenge our thoughts and experiences. When something new happens to us the easy route to take it to distance ourselves from it and stick to our old habits. But what happens if we accept the change and experiment if we could benefit from it?

An example is being laid off at your work because of financial problems the company has or because of the pandemic. You could wait for the right job to remain within the job area that you have worked for years. Alternatively you could experiment with a different area of expertise, where you either only have some knowledge from your free time or maybe even know nothing about. You could go as a freelancer, start a different job in a company or even start working for yourself. While going for the same old trusted path you will have less challenges, but you will also have less potential upside.

You have to believe in yourself, challenge yourself, and push yourself until the very end; that’s the only way you’ll succeed. – G-Dragon

Stepping out of your comfort zone is something very daunting, who would want to leave the safe, comfy environment that has protected them for years? However if you are looking for growth the best place to obtain it is by experimenting things that you never tried before. For example you have always worked in a certain area but your friend wants to start a business that he works on in the weekends. He might invite you to step in the business to help him out during the weekends. Most people use their weekends to recover and to relax. What stops you from trying it out and spending some hours during your weekend to learn a new skill? Maybe you will get the hang of it or you can start implementing what you learned at your current job.

The more frequent you step past your boundaries the easier it will become to try out something new. Think about when you were little, instead of overthinking everything you jumped straight into any new situation. This will have embarressed your parents more then once but you were having fun and learning new skills all the times. Find your inner child once again and start challenging the status quo by embracing difficult situations and rather give it a go instead of refusing. Every situation is diffirent, but from the moment you start trying new things you will continue to learn and sharpen your skills.