Explore your boundaries

Test out your boundaries

A lot of people set boundaries for themselves without knowing where it should lay. The real method to find out your boundaries is moving close to your limit or even taking a small step past it.

There are some situations that you should shy away from testing your limit. Don’t go around testing your limits in dangerous situations. For example don’t drink when you have to drive back home. Another example of a boundary is to see with how much lack of sleep you can still function normally. Get your hours of sleep before going to work, before any important day. To figure out the minimum amount of sleep that you need take a friday to see how good your saturday will be. You can recover and rest up on Sunday.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. – Unknown

Having your limits and knowing not to exceed them does seem contraproductive for some areas. One of them is the fitness and health area. Taking the absolute best choices and never cheating on your mealplan sounds an amazing idea. Yet what this does is punish you for following your plan to the letter. If you never allow yourself to enjoy some food without having to think about it will make you dislike the plan. At first it may help you, but the longer you maintain this impossible plan the harder you will detest it.

Another limit to look out for is the fitness routine that you follow. Increasing your workout days from 3 to 5 days may be inspiring. Yet the problem that can arise is that your workout will become less challenging and/or that you start to want to distance yourself from working out. Having a 3 month sprint in fitness or health is great, but aslong as you don’t build a lasting effect you wont reap a benefit from it. Consider the friend that worked out for 6 months and had amazing results, and the other that has continued working out for 3 years and still counting.

The one still working out might not be pushing himself every single workout. However he or she is still going and maintaining their general health, constantly enjyoing the great benefits.