Eye contact and mental health

Improve your eye contact

When we look at the connection between a newborn and it’s mother we a lot of eye contact. The mental health of a baby is incredible, what would you expect no worries, living from day to day. There is one thing that we can take from these interactions. The link between a mother and her child is unbreakable, at least in the early years. The strong amount of eye contact is key to this connection.

If you know someone who is going through a difficult time a friendly glimpse with your eyes and a honest smile will help wonders. When they see a friend they know looking them in the eyes they feel appreciated. Just as the newborn feels the appreciation that it receives attention. Contact with friends is always great to improve your mood. Especially if you notice they are really present in the moment and are there for you.

Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts. – Paramahansa Yogananda

Not only friends can benefit from your eye contact. Be kind to others, especially to people you don’t know, give them eye contact with a nice smile. You never know what your smile will do that one person you saw while walking home. Sharing eye contact might create a new lasting friendship with someone you wouldn’t even have seen.

Let this also be a call for more time being spend in the current time. We all have our phones with us at every moment of the day, with access to the wide internet at every minute of the day. Avoid your phone use, even when you are sitting ‘alone’ in a restaurant or waiting at the bus station. There is always people around us, whose presence we fail to recognise. Look up and share the moment with people around you.