Fight against the odds

How does your challenge look like?

Are you setting goals which seem obtainable to you or are you going for the goals that no one believes you can accomplish?

When you tell your family or friends you want to go for a certain goal are they expecting you to fail or even tell you to not try? If you are setting your mind to work on it and focus on it you will be able to accomplish any goal you set. For example currently you are overweight because of years of not paying attention to your health. While everything together caused your health to suffer, it doesn’t mean that you can”t turn it around. Accept others telling you can’t and you wont be. Refuse these odds give it your all and you can succeed. Odds exist for everyone, if everyone would fight against them they wouldn’t be considered as odds anymore.

When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. – Elon Musk

If the odds are in your favor everyone believes you can do it and it wont be much of a struggle. it’s much more special if you have to stand up against the odds and show they were not true. There are a lot of experts who once started when no one believed in them and they have to fight for every inch. The smartest, richest person or strongest company are built from the ground up and often times had to go through a difficult time surpassing a ton of challenges. We should be thankfull if the odds are against us because it means we will be more motivated to push forward. Some people get a lucky break and manage to break through the first hurdle easily. However at some point it will become difficult. If they don’t persist through that moment the lucky break they got will not get them through it. You need to be thorougly motivated to continue through that difficult moment.

Everyone has a sticky moment that seems impossible to surpass. If you let this moment define you and keep yourself on your knees you will never achieve what you wanted. Anyone will at some point meet adversity. They may get some hater, someunfortune, private issues and so on. If you let yourself be halter by any of these you aren’t going to continue on your path. Obviously every situation is different and there is no shame to take a break if some happened in your life. However it should not keep you down, it shouldn’t make you give up forever. Find your moment and drive to get back, build up momentum and continue the path you have set for yourself. The odds may be stacked against you, you could lose a battle but don’t give up on the war. Get back with the same or even more intensity and you will perform better than before.