Find happiness from within

Find your method of happiness 

In the fast pace society we live enjoyment can lay around every corner. However trying to find happiness from things around you will never truly make you happy. It would require you to constantly being on the look for some external fun.

One of the methods people obtain external happiness is if you require your partner to make you happy. It’s good if you enjoy your relationship, but it shouldn’t be an requirement to become happy. Make sure to find ways to become happy without needing other people to bring you it. Find your passion, it may be reading a book, playing music, talking with strangers, experimenting with new hobbies. Regardless of what makes you happy go and enjoy it and see how it improves your life.

Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude. – Dale Carnegie

No matter what you circumstances are there is always a way to find happiness if you are willing to look for it. There are children out there with the richest parents who can’t seem to enjoy life. Yet there are children who have nothing are struggling constantly who still manage to find some enjoyment in the small things of life. If you want you can always find a way around problems and enjoy yourself.

When you found happiness from inside you can hardly be messed around with your circumstances. Friends or family who hurt you by saynig something wrong wont hurt you permanently. Because you know who you are and that you are happy without the need of people constantly having the support you. It’s nice to have people to lean on, but they aren’t the people that have to bring you enjoyment in life.