Find your favorite healthy meal to improve your health

What is your favorite healthy meal?

To become healthy requires a lot of sacrifices, one sacrifice that shouldn’t be considered is constantly eating meals that you dislike. There is no amount of healthy components that should force you to only eat very specific meals. There are plenty of meals out there that are healthy and you can learn to love them.

The reason we prefer to eat out of eat fast food is mainly due to how fast we can eat and the taste of it. The speed of cooking up a healthy meal can be reduced if you cook meals for multiple days in one go. How tasty something is can be adjusted by chosing the things that go well with each other and spicing things up. If you find a healthy meal that preferably is easy to cook up and you enjoy very much take it as a go-to meal when you are lacking inspiration or you would otherwise be turning to fast food. As long as you learn how to love the healthy food you are eating your health will thank you. Some people believe that to become healthy you need to constantly eat the same boring food. However there is plenty of variation possible, you just have to adjust thee quantities. You can eat a lot more vegetables without a negative effect. If you eat fish now and then you are getting the benefit of those too.

Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. – Doug Larson

When you first start eating healthier it seems like you are stepping away from the enjoyment of eating food. The only reason this would be is if you are being forced by someone else, or by yourself, to eat healthier no matter what the cost. Anyone being forced to become healthier never last unless they start to find an internal motivation. You may expect to enjoy eating less when you go for the healthier options, however how much you enjoy it depends on how you look at it. You can change things up so it’s still enjoyable and can even make it more enjoyable to eat healthier. For example some prefer to go for some fast food when they have to eat alone. When you know you are going to spend some time cooking a healthy meal you can invite a friend or family for a saterday afternoon meal. Instead of forcing yourself to finish eating quickly you can start to enjoy your timeand improvement your relationships with family and/or friends.

When you are aiming for a certain difficult goal you attempt to make the route there just as enjoyable as achieving the goal. The same thing can be focussed on while becoming healthy. Instead of thinking about what you will miss out you can start looking at the benefits it will cause. For example you can think about the snacks you are going to get rid of, or you can see what the alternatives will be. Instead of binch eating the unhealthy foods you can eat healthy for a while and then add in one of your food weaknesses. You no longer have to feel guilty for eating it once in a while. Rather you add it in your weekly schedule just so that maintain your sanity. As long as you are finding ways to enjoy healthy foods it will become easier and easier to maintain your health.