Find your method to become productive

What do you need to do to become productive?

Your approach to stick to a certain habit or to perform the best could be totally different from the next person. If you haven’t found your method you better start finding a method to motivate you to become more productive.

In a day we only have 24 hours, depending on the amount you sleep each night these hours are being reduced with about 6-8 hours on average. How is it possible that the Elon Musks of this world are able to achieve so many goals they set for themselves and we can’t? Elon Musk might sleep less hours a night, but that could even negatively influence his productivity, so copy pasting the habits of a succesful person will not help you reach the same heights. We are all different from each other so we have to find what works for us, despite what others would think about it. An example is if you are buying a home that needs some repairs to be done some are able to work on the home while temporary renting a different place to live at. Someone else will be motivated more if they move to the place they bought so they have a drive to work on it.

Sleep more

Productivity is depending on how you feel about it. Some people love to work on something in the evening/at night, others will perform better after they just woke up. Not one method trumps the others, it solely matters how you feel about it. For example if you have to write a thesis you might work better in a library, at home or sitting outside at a table in the sun. The important thing is that you find what motivates you to work faster rather than trying to do the same as others. A different habit to figure out how and when to do is to work out. Are you prefering to do it outside or inside? At home or in a gym, alone or with others. Doing your own thing or taking part in challenges/competitions? Everyone is different so everyone’s way of becoming productive can be different.

To find your method of becoming productive you can copy someone else’s method and see if it works for you. Keep experimenting untill you find your hack to productivity. Everyone has a way to become productive, you only have to find it.