Find your spot to achieve success

Succeed in life

When we are looking for a way to become independant there are many choices to make. Two important ones in this are where you are going to live and how you will make your living. The second one influences where you can live. Initially we see what job we can obtain to get ourselves to survive. After last year it is the perfect time to browse through your possibilities and see if you can get a step up from last year.

Everyone has been working at a certain work field, but do you want to do this forever? Does this use enough of your abilities and skills to continue improving them? You are short-selling yourself if you continue in the same job without considering your capabilities. You don’t have to be moving jobs tomorrow. Find out what you are good in and what job would allow you to hone this skill more.

I really believe that everyone has a talent, ability, or skill that he can mine to support himself and to succeed in life. – Dean Koontz

While looking at what job you would love to do think about all your experiences. Have you had a job that was too boring, lacking any challenging component? Or are you rather interested in something easier, where you always know what you will be doing when you arrive at work? Everyone is different so it is up to you to list the pros and cons to decide what you would love to do. For everyone there is some skill to explore. You may not have found it yet, but there certainly is something.

If you haven’t found your area of possibilities yet go and try some different things when you are off work. Go and help people or companies for free and see what fits your personality the most. It could be talking in front of a large audience, speaking face to face and advising them on what coverages they could need in their insurances. Other examples are approaching strangers selling products, helping people in need, speaking different languages and so on. When you have found what you are good in or what you want to spend more time in, you can continue to build it. While doing this you may be able to implement some of it in your current job. Meaning that your boss might value your worth better. It could result into a promotion. Otherwise it can lead to new opportunities when they arise.