Fitness and food

eat more lose weight
Eat more, lose weight.

Do you dread working out? You are not the only one. It does not have to be like that though. The first step to enjoying your workouts is by understanding what fitness can do for you.

Ever considered to start eating more and still lose weight? It can be your future mentality for food and losing weight. Next time you consider skipping a workout think about the extra portion of food you can take. The more you workout the more you can eat. Yes, even that tasty “cheat meal”! As long as you balance out your food intake you are good.

A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. – Benjamin Franklin

When you get used to working out making food choices become a second nature. You will tend to the healthier food. Ofcourse there will always be that one cheatmeal *looks at pizza* that you can’t resist. Not depriving yourself of it completely will make sure that you keep your sanity. If you avoid it completely you are “going on” a diet. Which in turn will also cause you to “get off” the diet.

Make a deliberate choice to change your habits, add in 3 workout days on certain days. Implement a certain 5 minutes of your day to eat some fruit. You will soon reap the many benefits of getting healthier. Don’t rely on your willpower to refuse that tasy cake after the awesome pizza diner you had. It is ok to eat the pizza, but don’t feel like you have to continue because you see it as a cheat “meal”. Having just a cheat can be just as satisfying and cause you to not regret your evening out.

Try to never skip on going out with friends because the pressure you feel to eat unhealthy. Have you the tendency to decline a night out with your girls or boys because of the food?

Read tomorrow’s blog for some ways to tackle this problem.