Focus less on beauty but more on shining from the inside out

Be happy with yourself without looking at yourself

When we see others we look at them and consider their beauty and how others would look at ourselves. To become the best version of ourselves both in performance and in how we look it would do wonders not to worry and to focus on the things that are important in our lifes.

Rather than focussing on external factors, spending money on expensive clothes, treatments and products think about how you feel inside. The more you focus on your health the better you will feel inside and it will reflect on the outside. Imagine the difference between two persons one spends money on a lot of products to attempt/pretend to keep the skin young versus someone who spends their money on healthy food and who spend their time going for frequent walks or bike rides. Who will look the best from the first moment may be opinion based. However when you compare both persons in a couple years it may be a quicker decision. Using different products may negatively influence how your body functions while the person focussing on health will have a body that continues to perform great.

I like to embrace natural beauty. I try to get at least 8 hours of sleep, drinking a lot of water and exercising. – Tia Mowry

When we are born we are dealt with certain cards playing in our favor and others working against us. The things we may think that should be adjusted is often something that others don’t even notice about us. Only because you can look at yourself in the mirror every single day you may want to change it. Instead of focussing on how we look it’s better to focus on becoming healthy, eating great, continue to move and enjoy the benefits without ever having to worry about a thing. Even if you may have focussed on how you look you have plenty of time to switch things around. For example you may have felt you had to compensate with beauty products because of having some problems with your weight. While not everyone is able to sit comfortably on any weight everyone can improve their health and feel great in their body. If you are feeling good from the inside your look will bother less for yourself.

Changing things are often seen as extremely different. The issue with this thought is that you are making it harder for yourself without this being necessary. It’s true that if you want to change something that is very difficult for you it may be impossible to change it without extra motivation. For example if you completely dislike working out don’t force yourself. You can start going for small walks near your home or go for a walk with friends. If this is not something you are willing to do too often you may even start by implementing some healthy food choices. This way you can start feeling better and implement some movement in your life a bit later. You are the only person who can decide for you what your first step is and how you continue afterwards.