Focus on prevention

injury prevention
Warm up your body before working out

When we work out frequently we are inclined to focus on muscle growth and improved performances. To continue getting the best results for the longest time make sure to pay attention to the smallest tweaks in your body. You can notice a small issue and prevent it from worsening and hindering your growth.

If you are always on top of your overal health, there are still things you have to look out for. When you are young you can get away not warming up before or cooling down after your workout. But it is part of your prevention routine to set some time aside for these two components in your workouts.

Prevention is better than cure. – Desiderius Erasmus

A unexpected step in prevention of injuries is not pushing your body passed it’s breaking point. When you feel your body can’t handle a certain weight or a certain workout, consider taking a break or ending your workout early. It’s a lot better to give out early on one workout, instead of finishing the workout but getting injured in the process. Does it feel wrong to continue the workout? Take the hint to start recovering, so you can continue the next day.

When thinking about prevention you can also focus on exercises to prevent injuries in the future. A great example are the rotator cuffs. With our general daily activities we don’t have enough activities that focus on our back exercises. Driving, writing, working on a computer are all activities that focus on the front of our body. Do some exercises for training your rotator cuffs before they provide you with problems.