Forgiving people can help you

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Forgive people around you

Everyone does something wrong. You, me, and anyone else. It is easy to be forgiven, yet it is harder to be forgiven and feel like it’s over.

If someone made a mistake it feels like you are doing the other person a favour forgiving them. However it is not only them who receive benefits from it, you will benefit from it as well. When you see the posibility of forgiving someone you allow yourself to be less focussed on keeping up the count of the mistakes someone else made. At the same time you are freeing yourself from being locked into the past. It allows you to be happier, to not hold grudges and to be emotionally more stable.

It’s easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. – William Blake

The hardest thing is to realise that your friend or family breached your trust. This makes it so hard to forgive them for what has happened. Especially because a good relationship is mainly build on trusting each other. Another part of forgiveness is being tolerant for things that happen around you. There is no need to forgive if you are tolerant enough that it doesn’t even have to happen at first.

Desepite all the benefits of forgiving others, you are never forced to overcome it if you don’t want to. There are situations in which it doesn’t benefit you to forgive the other person. One example is repeated violence. There is no reason good enough to stay with someone who physically or emotionally attacks you. It’s still worth it to figure out a way to progress what happened and to get through it. But not with the person who has harmed you. People around you may want to push you to forgive even in these situations. However in these situations you need people who you really trust to talk about it.