Have you ever hated going to school? Do you dislike the sound of education? It no longer has to be mandatory going to school, paying attention in class, preparing home work and returning to school.
Our schooling system is not fancy and not necessarily enjoyable. If you found your way of enjoying going to school, kudos to you! My first schooling years where neither enjoyable nor unpleasant. What made me change my mind about education is when I arrived at university. At that point everyone was free to choose what direction they wanted to turn their knowledge and live to.
University only has a couple hours of semi-mandatory classes. You were not forced to go, but it was appreciated and 4 hours of class in a week isn’t too much. This way of education gave you the freedom to approach learning how you would like to. You could read the articles before going to class, only learn from the teachers, read articles after class, study during the year to only showing up at the exam after a couple of really though learning months.
I’ve never been a big believer in formal education. – Megan Fox
When you decide to study at university you choose for a combination or formal education and self-education. Depending on the institution you learn at and the subject of choice you will have a lot of self-studying or just a little bit. If you come in contact with a lot of self-educational material you are lucky to get a taste of how self-education feels like.
Some people love getting information through the formal educational system, others prefer to learn things on their own. Which side do you prefer? Personally I liked the combination of both systems that I encountered. With the combination of the endless opportunities of the internet and self-education you are able to learn anything what your heart desires. This creates immense possibilities to constantly keep on improving yourself in all kinds of subjects.
Think about what things you would like to learn. Read our next article and see how you can implement self-education into your daily life to continue to grow.