Get a good laugh for your health

Grandfather and grandson laughing
Keep on laughing

Our life is too often too serious. To remove the tension of our daily life crack a joke or turn the situation into a collective laughter. You would be suprised of all the benefits of laughing. It destressed you, lowers you blood pressure, boosts your immune system and work as a natural anti-depressant, and so much more.

Having a good laugh will not only have the mentioned advantages it is also really important in a social environment. It will create benefits for the people joining in on the fun moment. This in turn will make the environment more friendly, more social and a more fun place to work or talk with each other.

Laughter is an instant vacation. – Milton Berle

We sometimes complain that we don’t have enough time to go on vacation, be with family and destress from our work. The best solution for this is to create short, fun moments in your daily life. Having a good laugh with your colleagues will improve your relationship and cause all of you to enjoy arriving at your work that bit more.

Creating the funny moment is important. But equally as important is the person that motivates the other people to laugh together, to make the laughing acceptable. It is not always easy to crack a joke in a serious environment. If you are not the funny person, make sure that the one who is feels comfortable enough to create the laughter. When someone is preparing a joke make sure that you are ready to receive the joke. It takes courage for the first person to start laughing. But when everyone feels that the ice is broken, the great feelings and advantages will follow.