Getting a breakthrough

Take a good look at the picture

What do you think about when you see the image above? Broken glass can only mean something bad, or doesn’t it?

With the image above we want to break open the discussion about glass ceilings. It is mainly being referred to as the barrier that is present for women not to achieve what they can during their carreer. Everyone has their dreams and goals and for some it is easier to obtain than for others. There is no reason why there should still be a glass ceiling, but unfortunately there is. The barrier is present for a gap in income and for the possibilities to have more responsibilities and for higher jobs and new opportunities.

It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your carreer. – Carlton Fisk

Being able to jump into a high paying job or highly sought after job immediately after graduating is great. However it’s the people that have to fight through adversity that can achieve great things and awesome carreers. The bigger the struggle the higher the reward will be, aslong as you don’t give up. The easiest decision to take is to give up and to let someone else reap the benefits of your hard work.

If the company or the position you are aiming for seems really impossible due to circumstances it may be better to reconsider the location of your expertise. Allthough it may look like running away it is sometimes better to safe it for a later day. If your company isn’t allowing you room to grow, to work on yourself and on completing goals look for a company that can see that you are worth it. You may like your job, your colleges or the safety that you currently have. However not having the possibility to improve or get a promotion is also a reason to go look for something else.