We are our own worst enemy. Starting at a young age we are being teached to get used to certain standard activities like working on our homework every day, eating at the same hour of the day, going to the bed at the same time.
It’s great to learn and add on new habits, but it’s not always as easy to get rid of our resistance versus new activities. Our brain is able to adjust to any situation, however it must allow you to adapt to it. In first instance everyone is reluctant to change. But how do we allow ourself to add on new habits? The first step is that you have to believe that you can do it and that you want to achieve it. When these requirements are met you are far ahead of your peers trying to force themselves into habits.
Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity. – Saint Augustine
A benefit from the resistance towards change is that you can also use it your advantage. Everyone has that one activity they know they should do but always postpone. For example you know you need to work out more, but never get to it. Imagine creating a habit out of it and rarely having any problem with completing your workouts.
The more often you manage to complete your habit the more natural it will feel. It will become harder to resist the urge to fulfill it. To create the habit you first have to define what your goal is and what habit you need to achieve it. Then find a way to consistenly perform your habit. This may be by talking to others about the habit so they can keep you accountable, forcing yourself to do the activity even though you want to skip it today or do it together with others.