Go for your goals with the least resistance


take path with least resistance
Achieve your goals straightforward

When trying to achieve a goal we always try to push ourselves through all boundaries that we arrive at. However for producing the best result towards our goal it is best to take the route of less resistance.

Take a look at the image of this article. There are many ways to complete the maze. To finish it in the quickest time there is one route that trumps them all. That is the route right through the center. Since it is the fastest way it is also the most enjoyable. However in real life it doesn’t come that easy. In reality the fastest way to your goal is often the most difficult and it might not be the most enjoyable. This is where you have to choose between the fast option or the one that you will stay consistent with for the longest period of time.

Through the years of experience I have found that air offers less resistance than dirt. – Jack Nicklaus

Let’s take our health as an example. If you want to lose some pounds the fastest way is a crash diet. If you only drink water, without eating anything you will lose a lot of weight. But also will you risk you entire health in the process. This is a diet that no one should ever consider. Even though it is the the route straight through the middle with the quickest result. It is also the one that delivers the most damage on your body.

A much better option to reach your goal with taking a simular approach is by actually drinking water in addition to your normal routine. Water has healing capabilities and it helps improve your body functions. The route with the least resistance should be one that you enjoy taking and that has the least resistance possible to both your mind and your body. Together your body and mind will help you get through the difficult times that show up during the alternative route.

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