Going out with friends?

healthy night out
Choose the place to eat.


Be honest, how often have you declined a night out with your besties because of the food?

It is not a shame to admit that this has happened before, let’s make sure that you never have to decline them for this reason anymore. Before you even get invited it is advised to take a look at places to eat in your area. (or the area where you meet) When you check out the possibilities you can take control of the situation and guide your friends to a healthier spot. Have your best options already lined up. Take the lead and wait for the response, your friends might not even know the healthy place. You will get the credit for the healthy night out and you will feel great on the in- and outside.

If you maintain a healthy diet, or at least are smart about your food choices, you’ll still see the pounds come off. – Misty May-Treanor


Your friends have the tendency of going to eat, for the lack of alternatives, but you hate being the odd one out? There is nothing wrong whatsoever for choosing a healthier option. However if you don’t feel like doing it, or doing it all the time, propose a new activity. Find out any events happening in your city. A festival, an animal happening, going for a walk. This can open te door for a whole new life and a more interesting one.

At first the change in your lifestyle will influence your friends massively. They will be surprised about what you can do, unfortunately not everyone is open for a change. Make sure to not crumble under their pressure of having to eat the same way as they do.

Keep persistent with your lifestyle and let them know that your new lifestyle is here to stay! The more they realise you have changed they will turn around and respect your choice and support you. Be warned this change will not always be so easily accepted by friends and/or families. Let this not discourage you and eat how you like. Consider taking cooking classes to create easy, but healthy and tasty food. Your passion will surely spread around and will invite new people into your life.

By changing your life you give an incentive to your friends and family to follow your path. Be the one who shows the way, stop following the path of everyone. One day the people around you will complement you for your change and even thank you for changing their lifes!

Read tomorrow’s article about how you can change the people around you and how they can change your life!