Good stress

good stress
How stress can benefit you

In this week’s articles we focussed on how stress is a bad thing. However after reading them you should not get rid of all kinds of stress. A great example is working out. When you challenge your body physically you are putting stress on your body. Because of this stress you are breaking down your muscle so they can get stronger for future activities.

A form of stress that you can’t and shouldn’t get rid of is stress caused by a dangerous situation. Imagine waking up in a burning house. The only thing that can save you is very alert neighbours or very good stress management when waking up. In stressfull situations you will be extremely alert and the stress can help you survive.

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. – Elbert Hubbard

Having some stress before an important activity is crucial for great performance. However thinking about it being afraid to make a mistake will hinder your performance. Create some short moments of stress to be able to work with it. The more used used you become to it, the better it will feel to only have a small amount of stress to cope with the moment.

Our body gets stressed by different activities. Everyone is different, we have some factors that we all get stressed about, but there are other factors that are different. This is what we call our comfort zone. We have certain things that we like to do, other things that we just do and some things we try to avoid. The activities that we avoid are often times the ones we benefit the most from doing them. Trying out new things frequently causes stress. But this is good stress that we should strive for.