Grab any opportunity to learn despite your circumstances

Who is helping you to improve, to learn?

Everyone is different, one person likes to remain in the same situation as long as it doesn’t become worse and the other person constantly aims for growth. If you are reading articles online you are in the second category, let’s find out how this can help you improve.

If you want to remain the same you solely have to do what you have been doing for years and you could even get away with doing a little less as before for a short amount of time. Let’s look at an example: if you have studied hard to achieve a certain career and became succesful at it your performance at the job and your clients will bring you in more clients. So for a couple of years you could be satisfied with your job and don’t aim for growth or even for keeping up with the newest expectations and knowledge. Unfortunately after a couple of years your leeway has vanished. If you are starting to lack new knowledge your performance will decrease. After your performance has decreased your clients will be less satisfied which will reduce the amount of new clients you’ll get and the amount of old clients that will remain. In due time your business will fail to fuction.

A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. – Bruce Lee

While last paragraph may have scared you that you always have to continue working it doesn’t have to be a punishment. First important part is you should experiment with finding a job or creating a business that you would want to do for your entire life, or at least for a long amount of time. If you succesfully find this type of occupation continueing to hone your skills at it will not feel as a burden. Something you are good at will be easier to focus on. Enjoying what you do will cause you to spend more time at it then others who dislike what they are doing. Having a job that doesn’t require you to use willpower to improve will be more pleasant.

We can always learn no matter what our current situation is. There hasn’t been a time where learning is so available for almost anyone. Reading this article requires you to have internet, either at home or some other place. If you have internet available, even for a short amount of time, you can spend time to learn something or to improve yourself. Granted often times being on the internet is being seen as a time to enjoy ourselves. But if we don’t have plenty of time on the internet this could be used to learn things from people all over the world without needing to pay something for it. Another point is that you can learn from anyone around you. Even the people you least expect to contribute something to your life will teach you something. If it’s not a positive lesson you will at least learn how not to do something.