Gradual increase is the best improvement

How does your increase looks like?

When we focus on certain goals we more often than not focus on obtaining them the quickest way possible. However a quick rise can also cause a quick downfall. Striving for something doing it slowly, step by step, is sometimes the smarter thing to do. For example let’s think about playing an instrument. If you play the instrument for 1 hour every day you will burn yourself out and your body will start to ache. Instead of 1 hour training sessions split it up in sessions of 15 minutes. Besides it being better for your body it also grants better improvements.

Starting something new is always difficult. To get to know something that you have never had any experience in might be daunting. Instead of wanting to reach a high level right at the start acknowledge that you are just starting out and that you will get better. Slow and steady wins the race. If you sprint before you can run you will never make it. The key is to learn the new skill without overstepping your own limits. If you spend lots of hours on the new skill straight away you will start to dislike your newly found passion.

Being honest with myself is something I like. I am happy that I don’t make excuses when I make a mistake. This is a good way to improve in the fastest way. – Charles Leclerc

Once you are working on something slowly you will get the momentum going which opens up new possibilities for yourself. The more you do something the easier it becomes and the quicker you will do it. For example learning to drive a car. At first you take short periods of time learning how to drive. Later on you will be the person constantly driving your family and maybe your friends towards the desired location. The further you are on the path of learning the longer you are able to stick with it. For example your first workouts will not last for more than 30 minutes, couple years in it will sometimes expand to a full hour of moderate exercise.

We frequently expect that throwing ourselves completely towards the goal is the best method. Rather than achieving your goal it will hinder your progress. You are spending too much time on it in a short time span. Instead add it as a habit only requiring a low amount of time every day. This will avoid that you feel like it’s becoming a chore. Add in the habit after something that you do every day without skipping so that your brain gets used to doing the two things after each other. For example if you plan on improving health add in a couple of push ups before you are taking your shower. You will improve your body without a second thought.