Grieving for a loved one

Deep grieving
Grief your loved ones

Losing a family member or a good friend is always hard. Let’s hope you don’t have to use this article any time soon. There is not one way to combat it.

We spend a lot of time with the people we love. No matter what we do we unfortunately can’t protect them from everything out there. Losing some one who is close to you is a bitter pill to swallow. Some people show pain for a couple of weeks other for months. However if you can’t see it that doesn’t mean they don’t suffer. Everyone copes with it different. Some need time alone others need to have people around them to talk about it, others go out with people without saying a word. There is no right or wrong way to move on.

There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief – Aeschylus

When the loss is very recent your world crumbles and it feels pointless to continue your daily activities and to take care of your body and mind. This is the moment you should solely focus on trying to get through it, no matter how you do it. It can be through screaming, crying, silence or driving with your care for endless rides. Anything that helps you get through it is helpfull. You may want to look for activities that previously brrought you joy, maybe even some of them that you haven’t done for years.

During the intense moments there can be very specific things that can give you some relieve. This may be throwing yourself into a hardcore workout, looking at an item that reminds you strongly of your lost beloved one or even thinking about great memories you have from them. These memories may hurt a lot at first, but they can also bring some much needed change. For example looking at pictures they drew or messages they wrote you.

Find the things that help for you and expand on them. After some time it slightly gets better.