When we are young we are being shown that the world is a happy place and our parents build a safe zone around us everywhere that we arrive. You are not being left alone to search for your own safety. This is a luxury we have as humans.
However when we grow up we start to find out about the real world that is not always so safe. Maybe it’s for the better that we realise this. Always staying in a safe environment, inside your comfort zone doesn’t improve our life. Let’s take for example learning to drive a bike. You are more likely to get into an accident driving on your bike instead of staying at home. But how far will you get when you stay home every day? Not far unless you end up being an extremely succesfull blogger or youtuber.
The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. – Mark Zuckerberg
Try to do daily activities that pull you outside of your comfort zone. It can be as easy as taking a slightly different route to work or to school. You wont be able to perform on auto pilot anymore, unless you are using a tesla.
Another example is when you are not happy at your job or you know that business is going bad. Looking for a different job is challenging and it’s taking a risk to end up somewhere even worse. But there is also the change to end up somewhere better. If you are already happy change and you can still grown there is no need to change. But if you feel upto a new challenge you can take the leap of faith and go for a new job.
Moving out of your comfort zone is never easy. But it helps you to see if you survive another day after the challenge it means you completed the challenge. You don’t have to crush it to be able to succeed. Just doing whatever you set yourself up to do is enough to make you improve and to make it easier to surpass expectations and moving outside of your comfort zone easier.
Try out a new thing tomorrow and let me know how it went!