Happy holidays!

happy holidays

I would like to thank all of you sincerely for reading my articles and following my blogs. The last week of 2018 is coming up. Have a joyful christmas and a happy new year!

Next week I’ll be taking a break from writing articles, so I can focus on spending time with family. Which is something that I would highly advise all of you to join me on. The holidays are here for enjoying your time with family and friends.

Starting in 2019 I will follow a different schedule for posting my articles. Starting from 1 january, possibly the 2nd considering the heavy night, I will be posting 3 times per week. This will help me focus on the articles instead of looking at the amount of posts per week. The articles will be posted on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.

Please let me know what you like and dislike about my posts in 2018. So I can take it into account for next year.

Let’s make 2019 a great year!