Health can be maintained by consistency

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Maintain your health routine

When we think about workouts you might think about heavy weight, a lot of sweat and heavy breathing. When you are building your health and cardiovascular these will certainly be apart of it.

However when you initially had a hard time building up your health it may suffice to maintain your health and not having to exceed your limits constantly. It is much better to be working out for years instead of hard workouts for 6 months and then give up. Health is meant to be maintained from this moment untill forever.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. Jim Rohn

We tend to purchase items to improve our life, maintaining your health doesn’t have to cost a lot. Healthy food may cost a bit. But frequent workouts can be really cost effictive. You don’t have to go to a gym. Buy a couple of free weight and you are set for the years to come. It has an initial cost, but you will save tons of payments that wont be going away for doctor visits.

You can continue your healthy life by remaining persistence with your workout. Even if you do mostly the same exercises most weeks or go for the same run every week you can maintain. Are you more keen to start challenging yourself (again) ? Read our next article to find out how to not only maintain but also improve your health even further and to enjoy yourself by challenging what you can do and what you can’t do just yet.