Health in 2020

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Had a great end of the year and an amazing start of 2020? Let’s make this the year to focus on your mental health and your body.

It’s not too late to implement some health resolutions. If you already have them in placee good on you, let’s reach them together! If you haven’t yet don’t worry. You can still add one or a few resolutions to the mix. The advantage at this point is that you don’t even have to update everyone that you added a new resolution. Imagine all the reactions from people when the year is over when you reveal that it was actually planned to improve your health.

The first thing to do it to determine where you are at now and what steps you can take. A great start is by making an appointment with your doctor for a yearly check-up or a specific appointment to find out how you are doing right now. Most people don’t start with it, don’t be one of them. It’s ideal if you get professional advise on how to turn your life around. Be aware they are mainly here to monitor your health while improving it. They are a great help along the way.

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. – Abraham Lincoln

Your resolution is nothing more and nothing less than a promise to yourself to reach it. No matter who are what stands in your way you are capable to see it through and succeed. If you feel the need for extra encouragement you can make your resolution public and even find people to join you on your journey. This may fit in better for you than simply doing it alone. For others going towards the goal alone is a way of proof that you can do anything you can put your mind to. It can be a method to finally find who you are and how you can succeed.

There are two main parts of health that you can focus on. The first one is what you eat. How much calories you are taking in determines how much calories you need to burn. So if they next part is less appealing to you, focus on the food. You can simply switch out small unhealthy options for healthier ones and it can go fast. The second part is movement. There is no obligation that you should go for a certain amount or certain way of movement. It’s best that you find the sport that you like the most and that you see yourself doing every day of the year if possible. Ofcourse everyone needs some rest days or recover weeks. So doing it every day is out of the picture.

When you have found your movement it is also possible that some days are harder than the others. Don’t be discouraged by it. Everyone has those moment. See what you want to focus on and let’s turn 2020 in an amazing, healthy year!